"Air" or "wet" popcorn
Let us review the traditional ways, their pluses and minuses

It is common knowledge that corn popped in oil is always a delicious crunchy movie style snack. It happens because popcorn, having been popped, immediately leaves the kettle without having been subjected to high temperature for a long time.
That is why pre-poppers prefer hot air processing; it makes high volume production more economical. And this is advantage #1.
The disadvantage of this method is its expensiveness. Compared to hot air popping, it uses a lot of oil, 30-50% more. Oil burns out, stays on kettle walls, evaporates, smokes, And in general it is far from being a healthy way of popping, sharing all the problems pertaining to all deeply fried foods.
The second advantage – it is more technological and can be fully automatic. But as said earlier, due to puffer's constructive features, most of popped corn stays rather long inside the chamber at 200 – 240*C turning into chewy styrofoamy stuff.
Further oil flavoring and seasoning of hot air popped corn makes it taste better, but compared to popped in oil corn, there is no comparison.

Vortex Popcorn™ technology
Vortex popping, used in Robopop® equipment, conveniently combines all the advantages of both methods, being free from all the drawbacks. How does it happen? Very simple! Hot air Vortex, picking up corn kernels, swirls them up and away from the heated zone, literally in milliseconds, without giving them the chance to stay under high temperatures for a long time. As a result, after having been oil flavored and seasoned, which is done in one step in the same machine, popcorn tastes no different from a movie style crunchy delicious treat. Further cheese or caramel coating turns it into a gourmet snack.
Right from the moment, when the first Robopop® Mark3 model showed up on the market, our key customers - movie theaters - immediately appreciated the advantages of hot air vortex method.
At present, we are manufacturing a new Robopop® 60 product line (Mark 4), which will permit to make two types of popcorn: salty and basic (for further caramel coating) to better meet all the movie theater concession requirements.
Besides, Vortex technology easily turns into automatic technology: most Robopops® are either fully or semi-automatic requiring minimum involvement of operators. And lastly, like regular hot air popping, vortex technology saves 30 percent oil.
Diet ).( Pop
Having bought a new generation Robopop® popper for your concession business, it is highly desirable to put up a specialized advertisement for low calorie popcorn in your concession area! All the design layouts have already been done, all you have to do is to have them downloaded and printed.
Bright and extraordinary looking materials will help to attract the patrons’ attention to the fact that it is in your concession that diet popcorn is sold! It is not our advertisement; it is the advertisement of YOUR popcorn!
You can download the materials here